The Iosco County Democratic Party (ICDP) is a group of passionate Iosco County citizens who are working together to bring all Iosco communities into the electoral process and promote civic engagement and community activism.
The ICDP is active in the community
CommunityWe stand for our belief in justice and equity in Iosco County, in Michigan, and in D.C.
Candidate SupportWe support candidates that fight for our Democratic rights.
Local IssuesWe seek to bring awareness to issues that affect our rural communities, like environmental injustice and health equity.
All Iosco County citizens are welcome to any event on the calendar, with no questions or obligations. The Iosco County Democratic Party is a member of the Michigan Democratic Party and there are many opportunities to get involved at a local and state level. Volunteers can take formal roles, such as chairing a committee, or informal roles, such as helping out at an event, writing a letter, or preparing a meal.
The ICDP raises funds through membership, donations, events, and fundraisers. These funds are managed with the utmost care and disbursed to local and state candidates, social projects, and other activities that drive justice and equity for all.
- "Strong hearts and helpful hands are needed, and, fortunately, we have them in every part of our beloved country." – William McKinley